About us


Nahdat Al Mashriq have a respective name in the field of water & thermal pipes, since 2013, we are authorized dealer of very reputed Saudi pipe brand, 3P a sister company of Gulf Plastic and converting Industries with SASO (Saudi Metrology and Quality Organization) approved with experience of 3P since 1992, we got more technical and professional ideas with the help of best marketing strategy

We have highly professional sales, marketing & technical team with two main outlets (showroom), one 5000 sqr feet warehouse with all facelifts
Well transportation service (trailers, truck etc.
Millions of sales per annum, still growing

Dealing material details

CPVC, UPVC, SCH40, PPR, etc. (water pipes), electrical pipes & sanitary items


 Best Business Performance Achiever of the year 2015,2018
We have been awarded two times by 3P manufacturing for best performance achiever in eastern region KSA